Although the purpose of this site is to document my exploration of my backlog of games, it invariably happens that as new games are released or sales take place, I pick up a few here and there. Yes, unfortunately this means that the backlog often grows faster than the games I am able to finish.
October happened to be one of those months that ended up with a few additions, each a gem in its own right.
Star Wars Squadrons
This was one of those games I wasn’t even going to pick up but then, I just happened to have $40 on a Best Buy gift card and since the game was $40, it seemed to make perfect sense. I’m glad I did.
Although I’ve only put a couple of hours into the game, I’m finding both the single player campaign and the multiplayer online mode rewarding. It actually takes me back many years to the days of X-Wing.
Snow Runner

A couple of years ago, I tried out the game Spin Tiers, or Mud Runner. It was unlike any other game I had played in that it provided a fascinating look at off-road driving. Although the realism was questionable, it was fun. Snow Runner was yet again one of those games I hesitated to buy. I wanted it but not urgently. In the end, it was on sale and I had a coupon to discount it further. In other words, it was too good of a deal to pass up.
Trying it out didn’t disappoint either. The game’s atmosphere is fantastic and I could tell immediately that there are some significant improvements. The inside cabin of each vehicle adds the most, I think. In Spin Tires, the inside was an ugly mess that didn’t warrant a second look. In Snow Runner, it’s massively improved and it actually makes me want to drive the vehicles from inside the cab. Althouguh some vehicle handling leaves a lot to be desired, it’s still just as fun as it was with Spin Tires, if not more.
F1 2020
I purchased F1 2019 over the summer, not intending to even touch F1 2020. However, F1 2020 added the option of running your own team plus the ability to play two player split screen races. Those two, together with my son’s love for racing, was enough of an excuse to take the plunge.

The only drawback now is that I had managed to get four races into my F1 2019 career, only to have to restart in F1 2020. Oh well. It’s a small sacrifice.
Free Games
Of course, a number of free games also found their way into my catalogue, courtesy of the Epic Games store. Just by following the, it’s impossible to not add to your backlog. I don’t always claim all of them but I’d say 90% of them I have.
- The Blair Witch Project
- Ghost Busters
- Layers of Fear 2
- Costume Quest 2
- Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
- Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Of the above, Ghost Busters, The Blair Witch Project and Rising Storm 2: Vietname are the three I’m actually excited to try out, the latter in particular. It’s been a while since I played a good war shooter.